Easy Draw Litten Pokemon Black and White

Drawing is difficult and it takes time and practice to get better. As every player knows, in order to progress, you must level up, and the same is true in art. Fanart is a great way to read, develop, or just warm up.

Pokémon are a good place for beginners to start because they have clean lines, enticing patterns, and a variety of shapes varying from basic to complicated. Less abstract forms and simple shapes are simpler to draw than more detailed ones, as a general rule. That means Jigglypuff would be easier to draw than Entei in class.

The shape isn't the only consideration; pattern and color also play a role. Sinistea is a good example of this. While it is a basic teacup, the design on the teacup body would be challenging for a novice.

All of the Pokémon with simple shapes are the simplest to draw: Voltorb, Electrode, and Gastly, for example. For variety, we added a few more plain but less basic Pokémon. Nobody wants to spend their whole day making circles with their eyes, no matter how plain they are.



Ditto is nothing more than a pink blob with a face, and that face may have whatever blank expression you choose. Begin by sketching out the Ditto glob, but keep in mind that Ditto spreads and can take on any form as long as you can see two arm-like body parts in its construction. You're finished when you add two black dots for eyes and a toothless, big grin.



Since there isn't anything about Voltorb and Electrode – a dot with eyes and two shades – they're mixed. They're essentially glorified Poké Balls. Although their drawings are simple, they are excellent starting points for drawing and learning drawing from context or fanart in general.



Snorunt is a Pokemon from Generation 2 with a triangle shape. If you know how to draw a cone, you'll have no trouble drawing this Pokemon character. Cones, cylinders, and spheres make up the structure. Drawing it necessitates a basic understanding of drawing forms. It's fairly static, and once you've figured out which parts go where, drawing it should be a breeze. To make it smoother, consider looking at the 3D model and practice drawing it.



Gastly is identical to Voltorb and Electrode but with an irritating personality. Gastly has the advantage of a simple, circular key shape that allows for some variety and variety. Don't get too worked up about the smoke surrounding the body; it's petrol, after all, and it can take any form. But go ahead and experiment with the smoke surrounding him.



Exeggcute can be drawn by someone who can draw a simple oval shape. For the pattern, you'll need to draw six ovals, three of which will overlap. If that's too many right now, sketch them separately and apply them to the concept later.

One of Exeggcute's eggs is expected to be broken, but don't think about it too much at first. With their triangle-shaped features and easy smiles, smirks, or frowns, they may make a variety of facial expressions.



This Pokemon is a descendant of the Igglybuff. It has circular eyes and a round shape. To begin, draw a circle for the head and body. Second, to depict an ear, draw a tuft on the top part with curvy edges on each side of the tuft. Often pay attention to the tiny things, such as the curvy edges across the body.

The arms and legs of this adorable Pokemon can be seen around these edges. Make sure this Pokemon has a curved small smiling muzzle. This is attributable to the Jigglypuff's penchant for singing songs that lull your foes to sleep. As a result, portray it as a vibrant character without a frowning expression.



This Pokémon is full of basic shapes. Begin by placing a circular circle in the middle of the pattern, then two big magnets on each side of it. A screw-like design on the top of the circle completes the body shape.

Magnemite's only identifying characteristic is a wide eye that occupies the middle of the first circle you'll need to draw. Magnemite's eye will twitch and render a variety of other expressions, so use your imagination.



Drifloon is a simple Pokemon to draw. If you're a lover of electronic dance music, Drifloon will look like a one-eyed Marshmello mask. This is due to a similarity between the mask and the Drifloon's head. Regardless, drawing this Pokemon character isn't difficult.

Draw a series of small curves on the top of the head, with a sharp horn-like ending on the right side. The head is wide and circular in shape, with an X-shaped opening around the bottom. Make a slight distance across the bottom of the oval-shaped head as you sketch it. Then, in the middle of the forehead, draw a big thick X. On the left and right sides of the X, attract eyes. Drawing the remainder of the body is a lot smoother.



Diglett, like Magnemite, is made up of a few basic forms that can be perfected over time. The rock or soil that Diglett pokes out of is the most difficult aspect of Diglett to draw, no matter where you spot one. Begin with Diglett's body, which is a basic oblong shape, and then incorporate his facial features.

Try adding some detail or coloring to the ground at the bottom of Diglett for a challenge; otherwise, you may find this Pokémon to be a little too easy to draw.


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Luvdisc is shaped like a sideways heart that is a little drawn out. Luvdisc's eyes are the most difficult to draw because they are more complex than the regular black dot that all of the previous Pokémon have. Note to have Luvdisc's trademark cheek pouch – a clear circle you'll know from several Pokémon variants – as well as an opening for the muzzle.



Swalot is just another blob Pokémon with a lot of comic promise. Swalot is a perfect beginner Pokémon to draw because of his puckered lip, closed eyes, and general look of being totally unconcerned. Remember to look at the black pattern on the back, depending on the perspective you're drawing it from. You can get away with a half diamond formation if you draw it from the side to make life easier for yourself.

Christian Allen Tandoc

Christian Allen Tandoc is a frantic writer, blogger, and ghostwriter. He quit his office job as an Applications Engineer for the love of writing. When he's not working, he's either playing with his PS4 or his 1-year old daughter.


Source: https://pvplive.net/top-easiest-pokemon-to-draw-for-beginners/

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